
How to disable ps4 controller on steam
How to disable ps4 controller on steam

how to disable ps4 controller on steam how to disable ps4 controller on steam

Step 1: Pick a ControllerIf you're reading this, it's presumably because you want to use a certain controller with a certain game. Global SettingsBefore we start a game we'll need to make some basic choices and set some global settings in Big Picture mode. Setup instructions for the VR arcade model Setup instructions for the PC Café model (incl. PC Café Requirements and Sign Up Instructions Steamworks Virtual Conference: Steam Deck Steamworks API Example Application (SpaceWar)ĭistributing Open Source Applications on Steamĭeveloping for Steam Deck without a Dev-Kit Steam Input Gamepad Emulation - Best PracticesĮvents and Announcements Visibility Stats Reporting User Permission: Receive Steamworks CommunicationĬreating Bundles Across Multiple Developers/Publishersīroadcasting a Game Demo to the Steam Storeīroadcast Moderation and Adding Moderators

How to disable ps4 controller on steam